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Educational Therapy focuses on academic transitions and management.

It addresses the following areas:

  • Literacy difficulties (dyslexia, reading, writing, spelling).​

  • Math difficulties (dyscalculia, math anxiety, calculation, and numeracy).

  • Educational Therapists also take into account attention, emotional regulation, motivation, and other aspects of a child that might underpin their learning delay, which may be unrelated to the school’s curriculum itself. ​

  • Educational Therapists work closely with educational psychologists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, and teachers to find practical solutions. 

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A Holistic Approach to Child Learning

Educational Therapy is a specialized field that shapes a child's learning and academic journey. Emphasizing collaboration, our educational therapists in Singapore work with parents, teachers, and specialists to create a supportive environment that nurtures comprehensive growth. 


Grounded in a profound understanding of child development and learning processes, our Educational Therapists go beyond the traditional academic focus. Instead, they get into various facets such as attention, emotional regulation, and motivation, recognizing that learning delays may stem from factors beyond the school curriculum.

Tablet Learning

Holistic Learning Environment

The best educational therapy lies in its holistic approach. Our therapists identify and address diverse factors influencing a child's learning experience, and integrate these considerations with literacy and numeracy goals, to further cultivate an environment that nurtures comprehensive growth. We use various resources, including the Social Thinking curriculum, Conscious Discipline, and Feuerstein Mediated Learning, to tailor-fit strategies to suit individual needs.

Young Kids in Class

Collaborative Approach

Education is a collaborative effort, and our therapists actively collaborate with parents, teachers, learning support specialists, Educational Psychologists, and Speech/Occupational therapists. We foster a comprehensive understanding of the child's learning by incorporating insights from various disciplines. This collaborative synergy enables the seamless communication and implementation of strategies that significantly contribute to the child's educational journey.


Specialized Literacy & Numeracy Programmes

Our Educational Therapists in Singapore are well-versed in literacy and numeracy interventions. For literacy, we employ Lindamood Bell's acclaimed Seeing Stars Program, while numeracy benefits from the innovative On Cloud Nine for visualization. Unlike conventional lessons following a standardized curriculum, our therapists design individualized lesson plans tailored to each child's unique requirements. This personalized approach ensures optimal engagement and progress, meeting the child at their current level of abilities.

Difficulties faced by children involving Educational Therapy include:

Math Struggles (Dyscalculia)

Custom interventions are designed to overcome challenges in mathematical concepts, making sure there is a solid foundation in numeracy.

Literacy Difficulties (Dyslexia)

Comprehensive literacy programs, such as Lindamood Bell's Seeing Stars, target dyslexia, fostering improved reading and language skills.

​Attention Difficulties
(ADHD, or Executive Function Deficiency)

Our therapists employ strategies to enhance attention and executive function skills, facilitating better focus and organization in learning environments.

Understanding the Differences

Educational Therapy vs Tuition



The goal is to increase underlying processing ability to improve academic skill acquisition; this results in improved academic outcomes.



The goal is to increase marks through re-teaching and repetitive practice.



Lessons are aimed at stimulating thoughts, which gives students the tools they need to complete their work more autonomously; the focus is on thought and thought processes.



Lessons are aimed at helping the student complete their school work; the focus is on task completion.



Therapy goals are targeted within an academic/curriculum context; focus on improving thought and cognitive learning processes.



Curriculum content from school is re-taught and repeated; the focus is on rote learning.



Identifies neurological vulnerabilities that affect learning, academic success, and overall quality of academic life, treating these and monitoring progress over time. Uses a variety of innovative tools to enhance the learning environment, stimulate thought and make learning fun and motivating for the student; emphasis is placed on evidence-based practice when choosing appropriate learning tools selected with the individual child in mind.



Applies teaching principles, which are generally proven effective for neuro-typical children, but not always helpful with children experiencing vulnerability, such as language impairment, sensory and motor issues, attention issues, and other vulnerabilities. Some learning centres will also not accept children with these vulnerabilities, but Educational Therapy can be very helpful in these cases. Uses school texts and assessment guides as a guide for lesson plans.



Educational Therapists work with the student, their family, Teachers, Academic Support Staff, Speech Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists, and other professionals involved in the child’s case.



Tutors work with the student and in some cases the class teacher involved in the child's learning progress



Success is measured as an increase in consolidated learning, deep internalization of knowledge of skills and concepts across life contexts, and increased ability to actively learn through experiences; these all lead to better academic outcomes and a better quality of life.



Success is measured as an increase in marks in school tasks, such as exams or assignments.


Connect with us to learn more and schedule a consultation

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